1.5) Self-Balancing Binary Search Trees (BSTs)
BSTs offer fast search, insert, and delete operations when they are "balanced" - meaning the tree's height is relatively small and comparable to the logarithm of the number of nodes.
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BSTs offer fast search, insert, and delete operations when they are "balanced" - meaning the tree's height is relatively small and comparable to the logarithm of the number of nodes.
The "floor" of a given value is the largest value in the tree that is less than or equal to the given value. In other words, it's the "closest" value…
When deleting a node in a Binary Search Tree (BST), there are three possible cases to consider: a)Node has no children (leaf node) b) Node has one child c) Node…
BST C++ code that creates a simple Binary Search Tree and inserts elements into it while maintaining the BST property: elements in the left subtree are smaller, and elements in…
For every node 'N', all elements in the left subtree of 'N' are less than the value of 'N', and all elements in the right subtree of 'N' are greater…
Write a program to perform an iterative post order traversal and print the values of the nodes as they are visited.
Given a binary tree, write a program to perform an iterative preorder traversal and print the values of the nodes as they are visited.
Given a binary tree, write a program to perform an iterative in-order traversal and print the values of the nodes as they are visited.
To convert a binary tree into a string representation (serialization) and then converting it back from the string to the original binary tree (deserialization).
Given a complete Binary Tree, write a function to count and return the total number of nodes present in the tree.